Explorers Class

Explorers Class

Awaken Curiosity and Nurture Wisdom

Step into the world of the Explorers, a vibrant class for kindergarten children that blends school readiness preparation with enriching exploratory learning opportunities. This program is designed to broaden children’s understanding of the world, satisfying their innate curiosity in a fun and interactive way.

Through our lessons, we navigate an array of engaging topics, each week entering around a specific theme. Be prepared for your child’s excitement over hands-on experiments and creative crafts, all designed to deepen their understanding and interaction.

Our comprehensive program integrates basic arithmetic, sound recognition, and word-blending, along with fine and gross motor skills. Social skills are also given prime importance, to ensure your child thrives in interpersonal relationships. The phonics foundation for pre-reading and writing is built upon an Oxford program.

While designed with native English speakers in mind, any child with a good grasp of English is welcome to join our inspiring journey. For those needing a bit more support with English, our thoughtful planned ESL classes are an optimal stepping stone to further nurture English language proficiency.

Embark on a journey with us at the Explorers class, where learning is interlaced with fun and exploration!

Our Team

Meet Our Team Members

Our Class

Class Description

Days & Time

Thursday 14:00 – 16:00

Friday 14:00 – 16:00


Kindergarten children

Language Skills

good to very good grasp of English


Caryn Leuthardt

Sharon Billing

Quarterly Tuition Fees

Extended Hours

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The WAC & Learning Tree School